Thread Locking Dc Cables and Connectors
Tensility’s thread locking dc connectors provide a secure and consistent power connection that is crucial in powering electronic devices and machinery. Their threaded design allows for a stable connection, preventing connection loss due to external factors, such as vibrations. The vibration resistance provided by threaded dc connectors is particularly helpful in industrial machinery and medical equipment applications, where reliability is critical for smooth and efficient operation.
We provide a wide variety of thread locking dc cable assemblies and connectors that are available for quoting or in our distribution channels.

Our thread locking dc connectors are cable mount solutions that come in both 2.1 mm and 2.5 mm center pin sizes. We use a 5/16-32 thread size for all of our thread locking solutions, which is widely used in the marketplace. To ensure that our connectors meet industry standards, they have been tested in accordance with IEC 60512-5-2 for proper voltage and current ratings.

Tensility provides cable assembly options that range from 305 mm to 10,000 mm in length, providing versatility and convenience when selecting a solution for a specific application. Our panel mount cable assemblies feature nylon overmolds, which are ideal for chemical resistance, durability, and high-temperature performance. The wire options include flat, circular, and red and black flat wire; thread locking dc plugs are available in 90° or 180° configurations.

See All Dc Thread Locking Connectors
See All Dc Thread Locking Cables Assemblies

Key Features


  • Secure connection
  • Tested to IEC 60512-5-2
  • Holds continuity
  • 5/16-32 threading
  • Industrial environments
  • Medical field
  • LED Lighting

  • FAQs

    Are thread locking connectors waterproof?

    No, thread locking does not insure a waterproof connection. 

    Can a non-threaded plug mate with the threaded dc jack?

    Yes, the threaded dc jacks will mate with a standard dc plug.

    What is a common thread size for dc cables and connectors?

    5/16-32 is a widely used thread size throughout the industry. All Tensility’s threaded dc cables and connectors have a 5/16-32 thread size.

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